Rules & Regulations

  • Parents/guardians must check the child’s hand-book & sign it daily.
  • Children must not be sent to school with money, ornament or any other valuable items. The school will not be responsible if any of these articles are lost. Parents are requested to put name tags on all items of the child.
  • Giving the parents to the staff or other demonstrations of gratitude or good will in their honour is not allowed.
  • Students are expected to behave well both inside and outside the school. Shouting, whistling or running in the school building, or throwing things at one another is strictly forbidden
  • The students must not scratch or spoil the furniture, write on walls or in any way damage what is provided for their use. Any damage done will be made good by the one who does it.
  • The lunch box the child should be packed neatly & should not be put with the school bag as it spoils the books.
  • Vehicles will not allowed in the school premises for safety reasons.
  • Please see that your children bring them their tiffin box, pen, pencil, books etc. as per time table when they come to school. No arrangements will be made to send these things to the students during working hours if brought by parents, servants etc.
  • Parents are requested to keep in touch with the school authorities regarding the programs of their children.
  • The school reserves to itself the right to dismiss students whose diligence or progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
  • The children should be encouraged to cultivate habitual cleanliness in all work. Special attention should be paid to the personal cleanliness of the child. Before coming to school, children must be made to answer the call of nature & please ensure that the child has brushed his teeth, has a clean wash or bath & has eaten a nutritious breakfast. All the students must come to school neat clean & tidy in their uniform prescribed for the season.
  • Punctuality will be expected from parents and children should reach school on time. If they report late, they may not be allowed to attend the classes.
  • Please, do not withdraw your ward from class for attending social functions and domestic work.
  • Children suffering from infectious diseases like chicken pox, measles, mumps, conjunctivitis etc. should not be sent to school. Application for leave must reach to school in time.
  • Parents should inform school authority about change of residence & telephone numbers.
  • Any birth, death or any other kind of emergency in the family should be reported to the school so that the child may be given emotional support from the teachers.
  • Parents are not allowed to enter classes or disturb teaching during school time. They will have to be parents on report discussion days or parents-teacher consultation days on receiving the invitation.
  • Parents/ guardians are not allowed to visit teachers homes or discuss school matters at social gatherings etc. with the teachers. Parents should not expect any special favour from any school staff who knows them personality.
  • Criticism of a teacher should be avoided in the presence of the child because it undermines his respect for the teachers and the school.
  • Parents must be wait in the visitor’s lobby when they come to leave or fectch their children.
  • As the children are taught all the subjects through special methods & materials. Parents are requested to take guidance from the teacher.

Leave Regulation

  • During school term students are not permitted to go home.
  • Leave may be granted for the treatment of the students on Medical Officer’s recommendation or on Principal’s /Director’s discretion.
  • Leave for three days, will be granted to attend marriage of the nearest ones i.e. sister, brother or first cousin. For this purpose invitation card of marriage should be attached with application. Leave will not be granted during examination or camps.
  • In special cases, like death of the dear ones or illness of the parents etc. leave may be granted.
  • For all types of leave, request should be made to the Principal / Director.
  • Parents should note the date and time when the student has to return after the leave. If a student has to be detained due to illness, the matter should be conveyed on phone and an application for leave should be accompanied with medical fitness certificate when the student reports back.
  • After vacation student should report on the day specified, failing which they will have to pay a heavy fine. All the students are required to attend the first assembly of the new session / semester without fail.