Commandant Message

AII our dreams can come true if we have ties courage to purcue tham." Walt Disney

Dear Parents and Students

”Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to flanking, ttgrAing provides knowledge, knowledge makes y0u greaf’. Quest for knowledge is unending and the seeds of enquiry sown at home are nurtured in the school. V\ live in a world of amazingly fast, instant and high-speed exchange of information and knowledge. And also we can make uae of the technological advantages for the development of our school, stag and students.

I take this occasion to congratulate tt+e Principal, stag, students ard parents for their strong sense of commitment, service ard responsibility that has transformed thi9 institution into an outstaruling and significant temple of learning today. PMS 40Bn has tried its best to excel in all repaints of its students” grru«th. The specialty of this insaMte is that it has made quality education accessible to all, thanks to the highly motivated staff and the availability of

I pray that the Almighty God continues to bless this school as well as all the embers of the PMS farrgly, including the students, parents, and all thoae a6Sociated with this institution.
Thank you for visibng!
Best Vases for the life ahead!

Fr. IPS Dadan Pal
( Commandant 40BN PM\C)